reduce time to market
Analyze multiple mounts and find the right isolator design in minutes
eliminate supplier wait time
Bring mount system performance prediction in the hands of the system integrator, eliminating wait time for supplier results
remove change propagation effects
Improve traceability of design configurations and arrive at optimum mount design faster
less reliance on expensive analysis tools
Accurate modal analysis by system integrator reduces reliance on expensive analysis tools
MSA Features

One Click Results
System Modal Frequency

Modal Purity

Mode Shape

It's time to rethink your engine mounting system design process
Is your engine mounting design process a bottleneck in product development?
Yes. The current engine mounting design methodologies suffer from a highly manual, non-optimized process that involves many stakeholders - system Integrators, analysis groups, engine manufacturer, isolator suppliers, pump manufacturers, etc. Currently, it takes 4-6 weeks to design and analyze a single mounting system configuration. At the most, it takes 12 weeks or equivalent engineering resources to identify a mounting design through trial and error. This is a bottleneck in product development and results in a non-optimal design.
Is the existing process suitable for optimization and change propagation?
Currently, around 3-4 mounting system configurations are analyzed by trial-and-error. There is no software currently to enable the system integrator to predict modes of mount system in a quick manner to support exploration of multiple mount/isolator alternatives. Additionally, the effect of changes in interacting systems, such as pumps and enclosures, are not accounted during the solution generation process because suppliers developing the solution do not have visibility of theses changes. This results in a deviation between the performance expected by the integrator as against the reality. Lack of software at the hands of the system integrator is identified as the main reason for non-optimized solution and change propagation.
Do system integrators need to rely on expensive, time-consuming analysis tools?
No. One of the issues contributing to the bottleneck in product development is the reliance on the analysis group for modal analysis of the mounting system with tools like MSC ADAMS. In a large organization, analysis groups are overloaded with requests from multiple teams. It usually takes around two weeks to get results from analysis group, starting another round of design modifications. In addition, analysis tool costs run into tens of thousands of dollars.
In reality, modal analysis can be brought in-house within the system integration team through performance prediction software for most cases while the final analysis (if needed) can be sent to the analysis group, saving weeks of design time. In addition, a design configuration manager enables multiple design exploration, optimization and change management.
How do you rethink engine mounting design?
By bringing modal analysis to the system integration group, weeks of development time can be saved while achieving an optimized design. Having full access to supplier and engine data within the modal analysis software helps teams achieve better change propagation management. Achieve the final mounting system design in days by bringing modal analysis in-house.