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Meet The Founder


Prabhu Shankar Ph.D

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Thank you for visiting this site. I founded this firm in early 2018. My remote network of research team will help you find solutions for problems that are within SIMAT's research interest. We are looking for researchers to join our team to deepen our understanding about the problem that our clients experience today and tomorrow. 

Founder's Practice


  1. Structural verification technology development and practice using point and distributed sensing technology

  2. Simulation automation for Abaqus (Pre and Post processing), Adams  (Pre-processing), and nCode using Python Scripting

  3. Vibration fatigue, accelerated test specification, and life prediction using experimental data

  4. Meta material design and optimization

  5. Prevention of propagated design changes using verification and validation strategies to reduce product development time






1.     Morkos, B., Shankar, P., Teegavarapu, S., Michaelraj, A. et al., "Conceptual Development of Automotive Forward Lighting System Using White Light Emitting Diodes," SAE Int. J. Passeng. Cars - Electron. Electr. Syst. 2(1): 201-211


2.    Shankar P, M Fazelpour, J D Summers, “A Comparative Study of Optimization Techniques in Sizing Meso-structures for Use in Non-Pneumatic Tires,” J. Comput. Inf. Sci. Eng 15(4), 041009 (Nov 03, 2015) (6 pages)


3.      A Computational Tool for Verification and Validation Planning Method to Address Change Propagation Methods in Engineering Design”, Journal of Concurrent Engineering, 2016 (in publication)


4.     P Shankar, B Morkos, J D Summers, "Reasons for Change Propagation: A Case Study in Automotive OEM," Research in Engineering Design, Vol 23, Issue 4, October 2012, pp. 291-303


5.     B Morkos, P Shankar, J D Summers, “Predicting Requirement Change Propagation Using Higher Order Design Structure Matrices: An Industry Case Study,” Journal of Engineering Design, Vol 23, Issue 12, Feb 2012, pp.905-926


6.     J. Schultz, D. Griese, J. Ju, P. Shankar, J.D. Summers, L. Thompson, 2012, “Design of Honeycomb Meso-Structures for Crushing Energy Absorption,” Transactions of the ASME: Journal of Mechanical Design, 134(7):071004


7.     M. Fazelpour, A.Patel, P.Shankar, J.D. Summers, "Design Guidelines as Ideation Tools- An User Study on Exploring the Subjectivity of Unit-Cell Design Guidelines." International Journal of Design Creativity and Innovation,2018 DOI: 10.1080/21650349.2018.1473170 





1.     P Shankar, J D Summers, Keith Phelan, “A Verification and Validation Planning Method to Manage Change Propagation in Production/ Product Development," Proceedings of Tools and Methods in Competitive Engineering, May 19-23 2014, Budapest, Hungary


2.     P Shankar, M Fazelpour, J D Summers, “An Energy Based Approach to Design Meso-Structures,” In ASME Conference Proceedings, 2013 (12292)


3.    P Shankar, R Ramachandran, J Mathieson, J D Summers, G Mocko, “Can Design Evaluation Tools Predict/Prevent Change Propagation?” Proceedings of TMCE2012, Vol.1, pp.1235-1250


4.     S Joshi, P Shankar, B Morkos, J D Summers, G Mocko, “Requirements in Engineering Design: What Are We Teaching?” Proceedings of TMCE2012, Vol.1, pp.1319-1326


5.     N Thyagaraja, P Shankar, G Fadel, P Guarneri," Optimizing the Shear Beam of a Non-Pneumatic Wheel For Low Rolling Resistance", In ASME conference proceedings, 2011(48532), Vol.5, pp.33-42


6.     J Schultz, D Griese, P Shankar, J D Summers, " Optimization of Honeycomb Cellular Meso-Structures for High Speed Impact Energy Absorption," In ASME conference proceedings, 2011(48000), Vol.5, pp.955-965


7.     D Griese, E Namouz, P Shankar, J D Summers, G Mocko, "Application of A Light Weight Engineering Tool: Lazy Parts Analysis and Redesign of a Remote Controlled Car," In ASME conference proceedings, 2011 (47544), Vol.8, pp.839-847


8.     P Shankar, B Morkos, J Summers, "A Requirement Modeling Scheme with Non Functional Requirements (NFR)," In ASME conference proceedings, 2010 (28544), Vol.3, pp.283-295


9.     P Shankar, J Ju, J Summers, J Ziegert, "Design of Sinusoidal Auxetic Structure for High Shear Flexure,” In ASME conference proceedings, 2010 (28545), Vol.3, pp. 63-72


10.   S Teegavarapu, P Shankar, B Morkos, A Kanda, A Michaelraj, J D Summers, A Obieglo (BMW), " A Morphological, Combinatory Tool for Design of Low Gap Automotive Body Panels,” SAE Technical Paper, 2009-01-0342, 2009


11.   B Morkos, P Shankar, S Teegavarapu, A Kanda, A Michaelraj, J D Summers, A Obieglo (BMW),"Conceptual Development of Automotive Forward Lighting System Using White Light Emitting Diodes," SAE Technical Paper, 2009-01-0593, 2009






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